
AMC Plans

1.    Each unit will be provided FOUR  routine services in a year. This services will be done by our engineer of Babylon Engg. Co. at equal intervals during a year.

2.    The routine servicing will cover the following :
A   Checking operational performance parameters of machine.
B    Cleaning of blower ,condenser fan,Air filter, Evaporator Coil, Condenser coil& parts.

3.    We shall undertake the repairs or replacement( in case if required) of following components which are covered under this contracts.
(a)  Fan motor  (b)  louver motor  (c)  gas charging  (d)  capacitors & relay  (e)  Thermostat switch  (f)  selector switch  (g)  Air filter  (h)  Remote  control  (i)  Fan & Blower.

4.    The components other than those mentioned above like sheet metal parts,Evaporator Coil,Container Coil & plastic components such as front grill  ‘d’ block, Air deflector,louvers,etc are excluded from the scope of this contract.